Survey Type: Feature and Level Survey, Title Re-establishment Survey, Asset Recording and Consolidation
We have been involved in this redevelopment to expand the site two fold. This has included Feature and Level Survey, Title Re-establishment Survey, Asset Recording and Consolidation of titles. We have been working closely with the architect and planning consultants and the Colac Otway Shire Council. In order for the development to begin, the architect requires a Feature and Level Survey and Title Re-establishment Survey to determine the location of the assets onsite relative to the 12 titles that cover the site. This allows the architect to design the new plant and also determine if the 12 titles required to be consolidated due to the conditions of the development issued by the Colac Otway Shire Council. Also located onsite as construction began were the assets being constructed such as service both underground and above ground as well as the new constructed structures. This project was in the order of $30+ million.